– The TU Dortmund Compression Framework
Nstd | |
▼Ntdc | Contains the text compression and encoding framework |
Nbwt | Contains functionality for computing and decoding the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) of a text |
Nds | Contains general structures and constants concerning the available data structure implementations |
▼Nesp | |
Nhuff2 | |
Nint_vector | Contains the IntVector class and its backing utilities |
Nio | Contains I/O abstractions and utilities |
Njson | Contains a basic JSON builder implementation |
Nlcpcomp | Contains factorization and decoding strategies for the LCPCompressor |
Nlfs | |
▼Nlz78 | Contains compressors and encoders that work with Lempel-Ziv-78-like dictionaries |
Ncedar | |
Nlz78u | |
Nlzss | Contains compressors and encoders that work with Lempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymansky-like factors |
Nlzw | Contains compressors and encoders that work with Lempel-Ziv-Welch-like dictionaries |
Ntest | Contains helpers for the unit tests |