– The TU Dortmund Compression Framework
►Nstd | |
Chash< tdc::ConstGenericView< T > > | |
Chash< tdc::esp::Array< N, T > > | |
Chash< tdc::GenericView< T > > | |
Chash< tdc::uint_impl_t< N > > | |
Chash< typename tdc::AlreadySeenPair > | |
Cnumeric_limits< tdc::uint_impl_t< N > > | |
►Ntdc | Contains the text compression and encoding framework |
►Nds | Contains general structures and constants concerning the available data structure implementations |
CInputRestrictionsAndFlags | |
►Nesp | |
►Nhuff2 | |
CExtendedHuffmantable | |
CHuffmantable | |
CArithmeticDecoder | Decodes data from an Arithmetic character stream |
CArithmeticEncoder | Encodes data to an ASCII character stream |
CArray | |
CDArithmetic | |
CDDiff | |
CDebugContext | |
CDebugContextBase | |
CDebugContextData | |
CDebugMetablockContext | |
CDebugMetablockContextData | |
CDebugPrint | |
CDebugRoundContext | |
CDebugRoundContextData | |
CDHuffman | |
CDMonotonSubseq | |
CDpi_and_b | |
CDPlain | |
CDRangeFit | |
CDWaveletTree | |
►CDynamicSizeIPD | |
CIPDMap | |
CEspContext | |
CFixedVector | |
CGrammarRules | |
►CHashMapIPD | |
CIPDMap | |
CHuffmanDecoder | Decodes data from an Huffman character stream |
CHuffmanEncoder | Encodes data to an ASCII character stream |
CIPDStats | |
CL | |
CLayersIterator | |
CMetablockContext | |
CPlainSLPCoder | |
CPoint | |
CRound | |
CRoundContext | |
CSLP | |
CSLPRhsAdapter | |
CSortedSLPCoder | |
►CStdUnorderedMapIPD | |
CIPDMap | |
CSubSeqGreedy | |
CSubSeqOptimal | |
CTypedBlock | |
CWTIter | |
►Nint_vector | Contains the IntVector class and its backing utilities |
CIntVector | A vector over arbitrary unsigned integer types |
►Nio | Contains I/O abstractions and utilities |
CBitIStream | Wrapper for input streams that provides bitwise reading functionality |
CBitOStream | Wrapper for output streams that provides bitwise writing functionality |
CEscapeMap | |
CFastEscapeMap | |
CFastUnescapeMap | |
CInput | An abstraction layer for algorithm input |
CInputRestrictions | Describes a set of restrictions placed on input data |
CInputSource | Class that stores the source of input data |
CInputStream | Provides a character stream of the underlying input |
CInputView | Provides a view on the input that allows for random access |
COutput | An abstraction layer for algorithm output |
COutputStream | Provides a character stream to the underlying output |
CPath | Represents a file path |
CRestrictedIStreamBuf | Adapter class over a std::istream that escapes and null terminates the data read from it according to the provided input restrictions |
CRestrictedOStreamBuf | Adapter class over a std::ostream that reverse the escaping and null termination of data written to it according to the provided input restrictions |
►Njson | Contains a basic JSON builder implementation |
CArray | Represents an array of values |
CObject | Represents a JSON object that behaves like a dictionary |
CTValue | Template for containers of values that are supported by the std::ostream left shift operator for string conversion |
CValue | Represents a single value that can be represented as a JSON string |
►Nlcpcomp | Contains factorization and decoding strategies for the LCPCompressor |
CArraysComp | Creates arrays instead of an LCP-heap Each array corresponds to one LCP value We do not eagerly invoke decrease_key or erase |
CBoostHeap | Implements the original "Max LCP" selection strategy for LCPComp |
CBulldozerStrategy | Implements the "Bulldozer" selection strategy for LCPComp |
CCompactDec | Decodes lcpcomp compressed data as described in the paper |
CDecodeForwardQueueListBuffer | |
CEagerScanDec | |
CMaxHeapStrategy | Implements the original "Max LCP" selection strategy for LCPComp |
CMaxLCPStrategy | Implements the original "Max LCP" selection strategy for LCPComp |
CMaxLCPSuffixList | Provides constant-time access to the suffix in a suffix array with the longest correspondig lcp table entry |
CMultimapBuffer | |
CNaiveStrategy | A very naive selection strategy for LCPComp |
CPLCPPeaksStrategy | A very naive selection strategy for LCPComp |
CPLCPStrategy | |
CScanDec | Runs a number of scans of the factors |
►Nlfs | |
CBSTStrategy | |
CEncodeStrategy | |
CESAStrategy | |
CLFS2BSTCompressor | |
CLFS2Compressor | |
CLFSCompressor | |
CSimSTStrategy | |
CSTStrategy | |
►Nlz78 | Contains compressors and encoders that work with Lempel-Ziv-78-like dictionaries |
►Ncedar | |
CCedarTrieNode | |
CBinarySortedTrie | |
CBinaryTrie | |
CCedarTrie | |
CCompactSparseHashTrie | |
CDecompressor | |
CExtHashTrie | |
CHashTrie | |
CHashTriePlus | |
CLZ78Trie | |
CLZ78TrieNode | Default return type of find_or_insert |
CRandomizer | |
CRollingTrie | |
CRollingTriePlus | |
CTernaryTrie | LZ78 Trie Implementation based on Julius Pettersson (MIT/Expat License.) and Juha Nieminen's work |
►Nlz78u | |
►CBufferingStrategy | |
CCompression | |
CDecompression | |
CDecompressor | |
CFactor | |
Croot_childrank_support | |
►CStreamingStrategy | |
CCompression | |
CDecompression | |
CSuffixTree | This is a wrapper class around the sdsl-lite library to get a easier translation between the pseudocode in the LZCICS-paper and the C++ code |
►Nlzss | Contains compressors and encoders that work with Lempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymansky-like factors |
CDecodeBackBuffer | |
CFactor | |
CFactorBuffer | |
CTextLiterals | |
►Ntest | Contains helpers for the unit tests |
CCompressResult | |
CRoundTrip | |
CTestInput | |
CTestOutput | |
C_DoubleHashingProber | |
C_VignaHasher | |
CAlgorithm | Interface for algorithms |
CAlgorithmValue | |
►CArithmeticCoder | Defines data encoding to and decoding from a stream of ASCII characters |
CDecoder | Decodes data from an Arithmetic character stream |
CEncoder | Encodes data to an ASCII character stream |
CArrayDS | Base for data structures that use an integer array as a storage |
CArrayMaxHeap | Represents a binary max heap backed by an external array of keys |
►CASCIICoder | Defines data encoding to and decoding from a stream of ASCII characters |
CDecoder | Decodes data from an ASCII character stream |
CEncoder | Encodes data to an ASCII character stream |
CBinarySuffixTree | |
►CBitCoder | Defines data encoding to and decoding from a stream of binary integer representations |
CDecoder | Decodes data from a binary stream |
CEncoder | Encodes data to a binary stream |
CBucket | |
CBucketElem | |
CBuilder | |
CBWTCompressor | |
CChainCompressor | |
Ccompact_hash | |
CCompressedLCP | Constructs the LCP array from the Suffix and PLCP arrays, storing it in a manner as described by Fischer (WeeLCP, 2010) |
CCompressor | Base for data compressors |
CConstGenericView | A const view into a slice of memory |
CConstGenericView< uliteral_t > | A const view into a slice of memory |
CConstIntegerBaseCombiner | |
CConstIntegerBaseCombiner< T > | |
CConstIntegerBaseCombiner< T, Ts... > | |
►CConstIntegerBaseTrait | |
Ctype > | |
CConstIntegerBaseTrait< bool > | |
CConstIntegerBaseWith32 | |
CConstIntegerBaseWith64 | |
CConstIntegerBaseWithSelf | |
CCounter | A data structure for counting occurences of values of a given type T |
CDecoder | Base for data decoders |
CDoubleHashingProber | |
Cdynamic_t | This exists to support the GenericIntVector<dynamic_t> specialization |
►CEliasDeltaCoder | Defines data encoding to and decoding from a stream of Elias-Delta codes |
CDecoder | Decodes data from a stream of Elias-Delta codes |
CEncoder | Encodes data to a stream of Elias-Delta codes |
►CEliasGammaCoder | Defines data encoding to and decoding from a stream of Elias-Gamma codes |
CDecoder | Decodes data from a stream of Elias-Gamma codes |
CEncoder | Encodes data to a stream of Elias-Gamma codes |
Cenable_if<(N<=32)>::type > | |
Cenable_if<(N<=32)>::type > | |
CEncoder | Base for data encoders |
CEnv | Local environment for a compression/encoding/decompression call |
CEnvRoot | |
CEspCompressor | |
CFibonacciGenerator | Generates the n-th Fibonacci word |
CFixedRange | Represents a compiler-level fixed range |
CGaussProber | |
CGenerator | Base for string generators |
CGenericView | A view into a slice of memory |
CGenericViewBase | |
►CHashMap | |
CIterator | |
►CHuffmanCoder | |
CDecoder | |
CEncoder | |
CIntegerBaseCombiner | |
CIntegerBaseCombiner< T > | |
CIntegerBaseCombiner< T, Ts... > | |
►CIntegerBaseTrait | |
Ctype > | |
CIntegerBaseTrait< bool > | |
CIntegerBaseWith32 | |
CIntegerBaseWith64 | |
CIntegerBaseWithSelf | |
CISAFromSA | Constructs the inverse suffix array using the suffix array |
CKarpRabinHash | This is a randomized version of the Karp-Rabin hash function |
CKnuthHasher | |
CLCPCompressor | Factorizes the input by finding redundant phrases in a re-ordered version of the LCP table |
CLCPForwardIterator | |
CLCPFromPLCP | Constructs the LCP array using the Phi algorithm |
CLCPSada | |
CLengthRange | Represents the range of valid tdc::len_t values |
CLinearProber | |
CLiteral | Contains a literal and its location in the input |
CLiteralEncoder | |
CLiteralIterator | |
CLiteralRange | Represents the range of valid tdc::uliteral_t values |
CLZ78Compressor | |
CLZ78UCompressor | |
CLZSSLCPCompressor | Computes the LZ77 factorization of the input using its suffix array and LCP table |
CLZSSSlidingWindowCompressor | Computes the LZ77 factorization of the input by moving a sliding window over it in which redundant phrases will be looked for |
CLZWCompressor | |
►CMeta | Provides meta information about an Algorithm |
COptionBuilder | Helper for declaring accepted options in algorithm meta information |
CMinDistributedRange | Represents a range of positive integers that tend to be distributed towards the minimum |
CMixHasher | |
CMoveGuard | |
Cmsbf | Yields the position of the most significant bit for the template integer type |
Cmsbf< uint16_t > | Specialization of msbf for 16-bit unsigned integers |
Cmsbf< uint32_t > | Specialization of msbf for 32-bit unsigned integers |
Cmsbf< uint64_t > | Specialization of msbf for 64-bit unsigned integers |
Cmsbf< uint8_t > | Specialization of msbf for 8-bit unsigned integers |
CMTFCompressor | |
CNaivST | |
CNoLiterals | An empty literal iterator that yields no literals whatsoever |
CNoopCompressor | |
CNoopHasher | |
COptionValue | |
CPhiFromSA | Constructs the Phi array using the suffix array |
CPLCPFromPhi | Constructs the PLCP array using the phi array |
CQuadraticProber | |
CRandomUniformGenerator | Generates a random string of uniformly distributed characters |
CRange | Represents a generic range of positive integers |
CRank | Implements a rank data structure for a BitVector |
CRegistry | A registry for algorithms to be made available in the driver application |
CRePairCompressor | |
CRunLengthEncoder | |
CRunRichGenerator | Generates strings according to A Series of Run-Rich Strings (Wataru Matsubara et al.) |
CSADivSufSort | Constructs the suffix array using divsufsort |
CSelect | Implements a select data structure for a BitVector |
CSizeManager | |
CSizeManagerDirect | |
CSizeManagerNoob | |
CSizeManagerPow2 | |
CSizeManagerPrime | |
►CSLECoder | |
CDecoder | |
CEncoder | |
CSparseISA | Constructs the inverse suffix array using the suffix array |
CStatPhase | Provides access to runtime and memory measurement in statistics phases |
►CSuffixTree | |
CSTInnerNode | |
CSTLeaf | |
CSTNode | |
►CTernaryCoder | |
CDecoder | |
CEncoder | |
CTextDS | Manages text related data structures |
CThueMorseGenerator | Generates the n-th Thue Morse word |
CTypeRange | Represents a range of valid values for a certain type |
Cuint_dispatch_t | |
Cuint_dispatch_t< 1 > | |
Cuint_impl_t | Custom integer type for storing values of arbitrary bit size bits |
Cuint_impl_t< 1 > | |
CUinttDispatch | |
CViewLiterals | A literal iterator that yields every character from a View |
CVignaHasher | |
CWordpackRollingHash | |
CZBackupRollingHash |